Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Many have suited her
in a mysterious dress
adorned with obscurity
which obviously
makes her beautiful.
But all that mystery and obscurity
Is only behind their eyes.
I see night as a naked woman
- The first one I loved -
With star shaped sparkling spots
all around her body.
And I often penetrate Night
get lost between her arms!
where I feel better
where I have all my best thoughts.

Night is the Lady who has told me
all the worst and best news of my life
who has fed me with inspiration
when I was struggling to write
who watched me drinking sadness down
until I passed out
who swallowed all the cigarette smoke
I blew on her face
without saying a word.

while all the others were sleeping
relaxing having sex
there I stood
all for her
the glorious crazy sexy woman who took
my sanity away
bit by bit
and is with happiness that I say
she still does.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Again about woman. I like the way you write about them, us. Scathing.